07:30 Squatch Men: Lifestyle

5 Hacks For A Better Morning Routine (With Tips From Team Squatch)

The right morning routine can elevate how you look, feel, and perform. Everyone has different tactics, so we thought we’d share a few tips and tricks for a better morning routine from some of the best at Team Squatch.

No matter what type of person you are, developing the right routines can help you stay on track. Whether it’s organization, exercise or your personal care, we can all benefit from putting a solid morning routine in place. Plus, as we’re all navigating WFH, quarantines, and the general craziness of daily life these days, good routines give us a consistent way to stick to our good habits and just generally feel better.

Morning person or not, there’s no time like just after the alarm goes off to start setting yourself up for success. The right morning routine can elevate how you look, feel, and perform. Plus, once you’ve kicked off the day in a good frame of mind everything else will fall into place. Everyone has different tactics, so we thought we’d share a few tips and tricks for a better morning routine from some of the best at Team Squatch.

Tip #1 - Catalog Your Day

“After I’ve had my coffee I take a few minutes to catalog out my day. I frame it out in three buckets – my schedule of meetings for the day, a short to-do list, and any major updates for the team. It only takes me about 10-15 minutes but it really helps me start my day feeling organized, prepared, and confident.”  – Jack, CEO

The Takeaway: Kicking off your work day with a routine that keeps you organized and on-task is huge. Everyone works and stays organized differently, so take some time to experiment with different processes to sort out what works best for you. Maybe it’s taking notes in a journal, trying a new to-do list app, or simply just laying out your tasks on paper. From there, you can fine-tune your routine and get in the habit of dialing in your efficiency right off the bat first thing in the morning.

Tip #2: Shower Efficiency

“I’m an early riser and a get-right-up-and-shower type of guy – I can’t function without it. I also enjoy the challenge of maximizing my shower time. I start my routine by brushing my teeth as the water temperature is adjusting to the ideal point. Then I get some conditioner working as I scrub with my favorite bar (right now it’s Bay Rum). The shower gives me the jolt I need to kickstart my day.” – Josh, VP of Marketing

The Takeaway: The right morning personal care routine can pay big dividends in terms of how you look and feel, and it all starts with the shower. Don’t discount the benefits of a cold shower in the morning too, it can be another way to up your morning game. So, to summarize, we’re gonna follow up a great quote with another good one. In the words of NFL Hall of Famer Deion “Primetime” Sanders, “If you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good, you play good, and if you play good, they pay good.” Boom.

Tip #3: Get Moving

“’I’m a former athlete and for me, a productive day starts with how I’m feeling physically. So, I kick it off by being active in some way. Whether it’s some exercise or even just 5-10 minutes of stretching to help me feel loose, it wakes me up, gives me energy, and gets me ready to go!” – Alex, VP of Product

The Takeaway: Getting up and getting the blood flowing can have a huge impact on how you feel and get ready for the day. While not everyone is a morning workout person, even just a few minutes of activity can really help your body feel primed and ready for action. So, start small: maybe a round or two of pushups, some sit ups, and a little bit of stretching or yoga. Even this small burst of activity can have a huge positive effect.

Tip #4: Find Some Time For Yourself

“I’m most productive in the morning, so I always front-load my day. A big part of that is finding time for myself too. Whether it’s an early morning surf, run, or just some time to think and journal, making some space for this is huge for me. Not only does it add to my productivity but it helps me stay grounded and kick off my day feeling positive.” – Will, Software Engineer

The Takeaway: We’ve got so many demands for our time these days. Plus, technology only makes it feel more immediate, especially right when we get up. With how busy we all are, it can be easy to lose sight of how important it is to find some time for ourselves. It can help you recharge mentally, find creativity when you need it, and re-focus on what’s important. So, whatever your “me time” looks like, by finding some space for it in the morning, you’ll start your day off on the right foot.

Tip #5: Tackle A Challenge

“I was very inspired by David Goggins’ book “Can’t Hurt Me” where he talks about overcoming challenges. So, I run 10 miles every morning, and sometimes it’s really brutal having to wake up that early and get it done. But, by overcoming this challenge first thing in the morning it really sets me up with a feeling of accomplishment and makes the rest of my day feel like a cakewalk.” -Dejan, Head of Growth

The Takeaway: Overcoming challenges looks different for everyone, but there’s no doubt about the power and satisfaction that comes with facing something outside of your comfort zone first thing in the morning. Maybe it’s something as small as just committing to making your bed every morning. How big or small the challenge is doesn’t matter as much as the fact that you’re starting off your day with a win. From there, you’ve kicked it off right and the dominos will start to fall. 

Whether you’re starting with small steps or tackling big challenges, the second you commit to  improving your morning routine you’re already doing the hardest part. Take some pride in starting and get that momentum going, you’ve got big things to do in 2021. Let’s f-in go!

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